Where is God in the Storm?

Posted on September 26th, 2022. Originally posted on Facebook Feb 2020

I Have A Question. Where is God in the storm?

This is a question I have asked Him way too many times. I'm just thinking out loud, I am sure no one else ever thinks this but me. If you Read Matt 8:23-27 it chronicles an experience that the disciples had with Jesus once on a boat ride. Besides learning from this passage that I would not get on a boat or say yes to Jesus if He asked me if I wanted to go on a boat ride. But there are a few things I learned in this passage from his bungling followers. It says "Jesus got into a boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. (hate when that happens, especially when my feet start getting wet) But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying "Lord, save us we are perishing!" Then Jesus replied, "you of little faith, why are you so afraid?" He rebuked the storm, and it was calm."

Wait...what? I'm confused. The followers get in a boat and a huge storm comes up and they are afraid, but Jesus was asleep? At first I think well maybe they are just "land-lubbers" and not used to this kind of thing. But Peter and most of these boys were fishermen and son's of fishermen so they grew up on and made a living in boats on lakes. One follower was a tax collector so this would have been a good time to lighten the load or see if this I.R.S. guy could swim, maybe get to shore for government help. Just kidding. I would have tossed out Judas hands down. But mean while back to the storm. These guys were professional fishermen, and they knew the score. From experience they knew better than anyone that they were in serious trouble, they weren't wrong! It says the waves came up into the boat and they were sinking. So why was Jesus sleeping? Why did he chastise them for calling out in fear...didn't he care? In Mark 4:35 Jesus said, "let us go to the other side". This was his idea.

I keep thinking that I must have missed it somewhere along the path that leads me to my storms. Or that I am failing somewhere in my walk with God to have troubles and difficult times. Sure, I make bad choices sometimes and don't seek God or ask for guidance always before making some decisions. But what about the times when a storm comes along like Corona Virus or Covid 19 as they call it. This was clearly not of my choice or desire of my will. But this is a storm and an excessively big one. Waves are coming over the edge and overwhelming almost every aspect of our society and people are dying. I can't speak for people who do not believe in or for those who do not believe he exists...until something catastrophic happens, then they blame him. Ah...so now they believe he exists. But I am speaking now as one who actively seeks God every day, and still, this happens. I'm shut-in place and not allowed to meet with clients and show them homes. Most have stopped looking right now and are waiting out the storm to see where it goes. The economy is completely stalled so I have no income. How will I pay my bills and keep my house and blah blah blah...now my seat is wet I and wonder where is God, is he asleep? So, did Jesus invite me on a boat ride and what does that look like? Yes, he has, and I see the circumstances just like Peter did. This storm is real and has serious consequences if something does not happen soon. Maybe some of those consequences will make me readjust my priorities and value system, especially if its my boat we are all in and it is sinking.

My boat is how I make a living. My boat is helping Jesus right now doesn't that count for something. My boat is how I am getting to the other side...or is it? Jesus said, "we would get to the other side", his word never fails right? So why was Jesus sleeping and not worried? I think the boat is a very temporal item and the storm is just a short season. But the lives on the boat are frail and needy and afraid and are valuable.

Jesus asked, "why are you so fearful?" My answer because I could lose so many things that are important to me. Then I realized I have a lot of baggage. Baggage that Jesus asked the rich young ruler to get rid of and follow him. The rich young ruler was more worried about things than eternal life that Jesus had to offer. What a fool he was. I am looking around the room as I type to make sure there are no mirrors nearby. If I have Jesus still and he will preserve me as he sees fit is that ok with me? Did I really surrender my life like I thought? He did not say there wouldn't be any bumps or waves. He didn't say if I really believed it would be a Disney cruise liner we would travel on!

These waves help me realize the reality of where my faith is and what I am expecting God to do and how I want him to do it. Mostly I want him to make the storm stop. But I don't want to lose him or my faith through any of it. Jesus asked the disciples "why are you afraid, where is your faith?" Ugh...my faith was in the boat, my faith is my feet wouldn't get wet, my faith is I wouldn't get seasick or was maybe that tax collector dude would show up with the navy and bring a bigger boat or maybe some buckets so we could all work together to bail ourselves out!

The priority of "things" and especially "temporary things" are too big in my life. I have some food and clothes and a roof over my head and will have someplace else if need be with people, I love and that love me. "Why are you afraid?", Jesus asked. Because I like the way things are and I am comfortable, and I don't want that to change. I am afraid I won't be happy unless it all stays the same let alone get better. I def wasn't planning for worse. And then I realize I can't control any of this. Jesus took Peter and the disciples beyond their ability to control the situation that they were in. Beyond their capacity where they were skilled and capable. This too is where I fear. I realize we are faced with a choice, to trust him or keep our fear. I can have peace in my heart though the storm may continue. Peace with Jesus is not conditioned to circumstances. But Jesus is with me...and he isn't worried and that makes me wonder. But he is concerned about my fears and where my faith is. This storm has made me realize my own answers to his questions...and now I am grateful for the storm and that it makes me see the shallowness of my priorities and what I trust in.

So in closing I say to the other side of the lake and storm...I don't know what you look like or how long it will take or what kind of shape I will be in when I get there. But I accept the fact that Jesus will get me to the other side. As long as I am closer to him and trusting him and not the boat that I will survive. I will finish out my life following him with my faith in him and waiting for another invitation to get in any boat he wants me to. Heb 12:4 Keeping our eyes upon Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. Join me in looking to Jesus and keeping our eyes upon him and not the storm. He will get you to the other side boat or no boat! 

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"For We are God’s Handiwork, Created in Christ Jesus to do Good Works, Which God Prepared in Advance for Us to do."

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